Free Sex Stories

Here are ten free sex stories - all without ads popping up all over the place. Just some nice erotic tales to read.

Mature sex, randy lesbians, sex slaves, watersports or femdom, take your pick - we hope you find something to enjoy.

Training a Female Sex Slave

My name is Samantha, I'm 19. Six months ago I left convent school. I was very naive...

Quick Wank Sex Story

So much for summer. It was warm but tipping down and I was stuck indoors. What else was there to do but trawl for porn? But the doorbell rang. It was the postman, or rather the postwoman - always the postwoman on Thursdays. Her hood was up but her waterproof was unzipped. Her shirt was wet and...

Lesbian Femdom

How did I turn from a sweet, innocent young thing into a dominator of young women? I met...

Mature MILF Sex

Hello, my name is Jean, I'm 49 years old. Read on, I'd like to tell you about...

Fat and Ugly Sex

I have no self-respect. I will fuck any woman who will let me fuck her. I'd tried dating sites but all those attractive...

Rape Porn

She started it. She asked for it. It was all her fault. I was innocently perving my way around...

Lesbian Watersports

Tying up other women and pissing on them, that's what I really like. The thrill is they...

Male Sex Slave

Black leather boots, leather corset, studded collar. A large whip. No knickers. That's how she'd be dressed...

Submissive Sex Story

I met Carol in an internet chat room. Funny really, you'd never have thought we'd be a match...

Lesbian Punishment

Pussy and Tom were dozing. Pussy could feel Tom's stiffness pressing against her arse. Drowsily she...

Saddle Wank

A very sexy girl rides a bicycle with no knickers - she hasn't washed her cunt or her arse for days - and a...

Free Sex Stories

We hope you enjoy these free sex stories. There are ten erotic tales to choose from.

A mature woman rediscovers sex late in life and decides to try everything she can. This leads her to contacting a young man who fucks her like she's never been fucked before. He introduces her to two girls who give her the first lesbian experience of her life. Emboldened, she meets a woman who introduces her to watersports and from then it's anything goes. Mature MILF Sex.

Then there's Samantha, dear sheltered little Sammy. Little does she know when she starts at university and rents a room that the couple who own the house have a good reason to give her the room rent free - and it's not just because she agrees to do the housework. Training a Female Sex Slave.

Well, not everyone is super attractive to the opposite sex, not even in fiction. This guy never seems to hit it off with the usual girls you meet on dating sites, so he tries a site called Fat and Ugly Dating. And, yes, it does exactly what it says on the tin. The woman he meets is fat, is ugly and is dirty and yet things turn out to be interesting. Fat and Ugly Sex

Patsy is slim and likes to wear tiny cut-off jeans that barely cover her cunt. She likes wetting the crotch and letting people see she has wet herself. She hitchhikes hoping she'll be picked up and fucked by anyone, but couples with girls she can piss on - that's what she really likes. Wet Patsy.

A guy thinks it would be a cool idea to offer himself to a woman he knows well, or thinks he does, as a sex slave for a weekend while his wife and the woman's husband both happen to be away. He hadn't bargained on being whipped in a cellar or serving his mistress and her lesbian friend, nor performing the various personal services his mistress demands. Male Sex Slave.

If you like longer stories, follow Paula who when a student begins to discover herself. She meets Josh and finds that he really likes to watch her have sex with other people. He encourages her to have adventures when he's away, and to tell him all about it on his return - kneeling down so he can wank on her face as she recounts her tales of depravity. But telling others what to do - other girls - is what she realises she enjoys most, so the search is on for girls she can dominate. Lesbian Femdom.

Or maybe you like the idea of a girl who isn't wearing knickers and who hasn't washed her cunt or her arse for days riding a bicycle. And you sniff the saddle and wank on it before she returns. Whatever you fancy, we hope there's something you'll very much enjoy reading.

Oh, and if you'd like a recommendation, it's a longer story, a story for a lazy afternoon, my favourite: Paula.

Have a nice day

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