Submissive Sex Story

Submissive Carol


I met Carol in an internet chat room. Funny really, you'd never have thought we'd be a match, me and a young thing like her.

She was in the BDSM room, I was just passing through. BDSM - that's Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism.

Turned out she had fantasies of being a slave but wasn't sure she'd like it in practice. She said her other half James liked the idea of her being used by other people. I asked why she had never tried it in reality. She said 'no reason really, just never got round to it I suppose' and I said 'I could arrange something if you like - something very mild, something you could easily back out of if you wanted to'. She said she'd think about. Two minutes later James came online and started to quiz me and seemed to conclude that I was an OK sort of guy and he asked if I could phone them, which I did.

James said Carol should go for it, but he didn't want to be there. He said he was turned on by the idea of getting a blow by blow account of what had been done to Carol. He said he'd give me Carol for a weekend if I promised to do a written account with photos of what I did to her. I suggested a video but he said he liked reading sex fiction, and to read the story that he knew had actually happened to Carol would be a real turn on. He said he was getting horny just thinking about it. He put Carol on and we had a chat - one of those relaxed chats where you just know you're going to get on with the person when you meet.

I asked James if he wanted to know in advance what would happen. He said he didn't and he said Carol mustn't either - which was a relief as at that point I had no idea what I was going to do or how things might turn out. Having warmed to the idea, Carol and James said they wanted to do it as soon as possible. We agreed Carol would come down by train that Saturday. I was quite excited by the time I put the phone down.

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I considered just having Carol at my beck and call for the weekend, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep up the Master role for that long - never done it before. So I rang Paul and Lynne. Lynne answered.

"Hi," I said. "Is Paul in?" I wanted to make sure he was up for it first. If Lynne was all for it before Paul knew anything about it he'd be against it on principle. "Paul, are you busy this weekend?" I asked.

"Are we busy this weekend?" I heard Paul ask Lynne.

They didn't have anything planned. All I told him was that I'd turn up on Saturday morning and I'd have a nice surprise for them. Paul was intrigued.

I emailed Carol and arranged to pick her up at the station just after nine on Saturday morning. She asked what she should wear and what she should bring. I said whatever she felt comfortable in and a toothbrush.

I was waiting in the station car park. Carol was wearing light blue jeans, a transparent white shirt and a white bra and by god didn't she look gorgeous. She had a tiny suitcase.

I opened the passenger door and took a photo of her as she climbed in.

"Number one for James's collection," I said.

Carol didn't look a bit nervous, she just looked radiantly happy.

"Nice car," she said.

"You look gorgeous," I said.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"We'll see," I said and I added light-heartedly. "Slaves don't ask questions by the way."

"Of course," she said.

We didn't say much, but we both felt at ease in each other's company. I thought I should perhaps tell her to do something, just to show who was boss, but I didn't want to spoil that feeling of warmth that had sprung up between us.

"What's in the case?" I asked.

"Toothbrush," she said. "And some knickers. Haven't got any on, but brought some just in case."

We lapsed into a glowing silence, me glowing at the thought of her knickerless under those tight jeans.

Paul and Lynne's house has an impressive gate at which one stops to request entry via the intercom.

"Hi, it's Mike," I said. The gate swung open.

"Blimey, posh," Carol said.

"Just remember to be on your best behaviour. Expect to be treated well but treated like a servant. Do what you're told, don't ask questions, don't answer back, speak only when you are spoken to - and look happy. If you don't like what you're being told to do - tough - do it anyway."

Somehow I knew exactly how she'd react to that. She gurgled in delighted anticipation.

Lynne was waiting at the front door.

"Hello," I said, getting out of the car. As we approached the door I took a snap of Lynne standing there. Carol threaded her arm through mine, holding on to me for reassurance.

"Hello, Lynne." We greeted with kisses to cheeks. I waved the camera: "I'll explain later," I said. "This is Carol."

"You're a dark horse, Mike. Where's he been hiding you, Carol?" Lynne asked.

"We've only just met, actually," Carol said.

"You look like old friends." Lynne greeted Carol as she had greeted me. "Come on in anyway. Paul's on the phone, as usual."

We followed Lynne into the sitting room.

"What can I get you?" Lynne asked.

"Fizzy mineral water for both of us please," I said.

We sat down side by side and a moment later Paul came bounding in. "Hello," he said. Then seeing Carol he said: "Hello. I wondered what all the mystery was about. How does an ugly old goat like you get a girl like this - have you been together long?" Paul asked.

I looked at Carol, inviting her to answer.

"About twenty minutes," Carol said.

Paul looked disbelieving.

"It's true, we just met," I said.

Lynne came back with the mineral water.

"Come on then, Mike, what are you up to?" Paul asked.

"OK, I'll explain," I said purposefully.

"Pay attention, Lynne, you know what Michael is like when he gets going," Paul said.

Paul and Lynne were sitting side by side on the other sofa and now looked at me with exaggerated concentration. I took a photo of them.

"It all started when I met Carol and, er..." I said.

"James," Carol prompted.

"When I met Carol and James in an internet chat room last Wednesday..."

"Thursday," Carol cut in.

I cast her an admonishing glance and she pursed her lips apologetically.

"Last Thursday," I said heavily. "On Swinging Heaven - do you know it?"

"No, I don't," Paul said, surprised there was a naughty website he hadn't come across.

"I'll give you the details," I said. "Anyway, I was chatting away to some girl, not Carol, who was teasing her nipples on her webcam when Carol chipped in with something or other and we got chatting and somehow it came up about people being told what to do and Carol said that appealed to her, though she wasn't sure if she'd actually like it in reality, and I said I'd volunteer to tell her exactly what to do if she wanted to try it and to my surprise she said she might take me up on the offer."

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"Then I rang Carol, spoke to her other half James, and it turned out that the idea of Carol being 'sold into slavery' as James put it really appealed to him. But he said he would only go for it on one condition - which I'll come to in a second. So I said why don't you send her down to me this weekend and he said OK, and I've just picked Carol up from the station."

"You look as if you've known each other for ages," Lynne said.

"So where do we fit it?" Paul asked.

I was very tempted to say I'd just brought Carol in to say hello, then to go back home and spend the rest of the weekend in bed with her. But I stuck to the plan. "Well," I said. "I wasn't sure how Carol and I would get on or that I could keep it up, as it were, for the whole weekend and I thought you'd like her - and everyone likes you two - so well, here we are. If you're interested, this," I pointed to Carol "could be yours to do with as you please for the weekend."

Paul had a huge grin on his face. "What do you think, Lynne?" he asked.

Well, Lynne could see that Paul fancied Carol which meant there was only one answer she could give.

"He's not kidding, is he, Carol?" Lynne asked.

"No, no, it's quite true," Carol said.

"Yummy," Lynne said. "But what's the condition?"

"Ah yes: James wants a blow by blow written account of whatever happens - and photographs."

"That's all right," Paul said. "We could do a video."

"I suggested that, but James wanted words and stills. I'll pixilate your faces to protect the innocent."

"And you'll take the pictures," Paul said.

"Yup," I said, snapping him. "Or we can all have a go at taking them." I turned to Carol. "How do you feel, Carol, now that it could be a reality: cold feet or excited at the prospect?"

"Excited," she said. "Ever since I got on that train I've been - wow. And now, I can't wait."

"I bet you're all wet and sloppy inside those jeans," I said.

"I am," Carol said. "Very." page

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